March 14

Everyday Miracles.

For the first time this school year, we had a snow day! They called it a little early, as it didn’t snow much, but still! Hopefully we will have more snow days, but I think this may just be a one time thing. Hopefully more snow showers are in store for Loudoun County!

March 13

History Class.

History is my second favorite class, (tied with science) because my teacher Mrs. Beaman. She is the best history teacher I ever had. One time she said we had to pay 10 cents for every paper from now on. The whole class was in shock. Then she said it was a joke and it was to teach us how the colonists felt when they got taxed without their representation. Another time she said she had a note that someone passed in class and she was going to read it to the whole class to teach us a lesson to not pass notes. It was a breakup note that said “I’m breaking up with you.” “You take me for granted.” Then she told us, the person who passed it was Thomas Jefferson! It was based of the Declaration of Independence. What a prankster!


March 12

Stiff neck

In the last few weeks of school in 3rd grade we had a field trip to the zoo. I woke up, ready for it and that’s when it hit me. I had a stiff neck. I never had a stiff neck before and it hurt so bad to move my neck. I still went on the field trip but I didn’t really enjoy it. For almost 2 weeks after my neck hurt like crazy. Lesson learned. Don’t sleep in a postion that strains your neck!

March 11



Keyboarding is fine, it’s not the best though. On my lessons I try to get a perfect score but I miss it by about 7 points. We haven’t had really any projects, atleast for now. I hope that it stays like that, but I hear we will have many more projects. I kind of like typing, so keyboarding isn’t really bad!

March 10th

Now my last post March 9th said that it was posted on march tenth. No I didn’t fail the challenge, it’s just that the Edublogs time is a little weird. I posted it at 9:00 last night, so I guess it counted as March 10th. As of 1:59 pm when i’m writing this it says that I posted that post 17 hours ago, so their’s the proof that I did post it on March 9th! Now onto the slice!

My first day of Pre-k

My mom walked into the classroom, all my classmates turned and looked at me. It was lunchtime, and it was already about 1/4-2/4’s into the school year. I sat down and ate some chicken nuggets (the worst I ever tasted in my life) and I had no idea what to do. I turned around, and my mom was gone. I was worried but my mom had already explained school to me so I went through the day. After lunch it was drawing time. I had no idea what to do, so I took an orange crayon, and scribbled on the paper. Next it was playtime, so I played with my newfound friends outside. We went down the slide and we ran around like your average crazy Pre-k kid. Then it was nap time. I slept until my mom came and picked me up. I survived! Also this is how I used to draw people:

March 9th


I was playing basketball, just like in my other post. I tried to block the ball. My finger bends back and gets sprained. This is even worse than last time! now my finger looks like a fat plum. If you can catch the ball in basketball my tip to you is don try to catch it. Practice catching first before you play real games. Or else you will end up like me! So, people say ¨Why don´t you just practice basketball?” The truth is, I just don’t like the sport in general, sorry basketball!.

March 8th

Middle school

Middle school is definitely more free than elementary. You don’t have to be in a line and walk to your next class and you go to your locker by yourself. Sadly you have many responsibilities. You have to do your work by yourself. You are responsible for turning in your own work. There are less chances as you move up the grades. You probably won’t have as many best friends, because there are so many blocks, and there is really no “homeroom” class. So yes you are more free, but you also have to be more responsible, and everything gets harder. Especially when you get to seventh and eight grade, I hope I don’t get buried in homework and projects!

Tuesday Slice


Whenever I hear i’m going to have a test, it depends what test it is. If it’s a science test, those tests are easy to prepare for because my science teacher makes preparing for them easy. If it’s a math test, I get worried because you can only prepare yourself so much for math. You can study the concept do, practice problems, but on the test all that matters is that you don’t make a mistake in your work. A history test is in the middle. It’s easy to prepare for but I have to make sure that I don’t forget who’s who and the important dates. I rarely get English tests, there’s not really much to study for there!

March 7th

About a year ago I had a dream. The whole dream was pretty normal until my teacher turned around and I realized her eyes were the size of golf balls! Then I knew I was in a dream. I tried to wake myself up by closing my eyes then opening them really fast. On the tenth try it worked and I sat up fast in bed. I guess you really can wake yourself up!

March 6th

English Class

English Class is the best, although sometimes sacred writing time makes me want to rest. With a teacher like Ms. Haseltine everything is fun. Unlike last year, when English started I just wanted to run. Sadly, we have so much fun, that in a flash this class is suddenly done!